Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Icy Roads and High Winds

I woke up at 6am this morning, took a shower, got dressed, and headed downstairs and got the coffee going. Then I turned on the radio and heard that school is cancelled in Anchorage today. We got freezing rain through the night and it made the roads like an ice rink. School is never cancelled in Alaska, so it was nice to have the day off. Too bad I already took a shower and was wide awake or I would've went to bed for a couple more hours. We were also suppose to have our End of Season Wrestling banquet tonight at South too, but we will now postpone it until next week.

My training program called for 15 miles today. Normally I would do 9 outside and change clothes quickly and do the last 6 on the treadmill, but it was an ice rink outside and windy. I guess winds might be over 100mph in Turnagain arm tonight.

So, I did all 15 miles on the treadmill. It was a great workout though and I didn't mind being on the treadmill. The temperature outside was 38 above and I had my window open so I had an occasional nice breeze. I started out nice and easy and picked the pace up a little every mile. The last 9 miles were around 6:45 pace and it felt super easy. I'm definetly getting my fitness level up close to where I was last year. It's a great feeling when you get in the zone!

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